Challenged Champions and Heros
Dr. Robin A. Lococo and Penny Heflebower
CHiPs Stars Larry Wilcox and Robert Pane
On Saturday April 21, 2018 Victorvalley College hosted the March of Dimes Walk for Babies Event
Rick Smith, COO of Victor Valley Global Medical Center and our 2018 March for Babies High Desert Chair, Thanks you for joining us to fight for the health of all moms and babies! Special thanks to you Apple Valley School District, APU Nurses, BJ'S Brewery& Restaurant, City of Victorville, Frito Lays, GoGo Squeez,KIND, Santha Bender Jazzercise, and Spring Valley Radio Club. With special appearances from the C.H.i.P.s TV show, Larry Wilcox and Robert Pine.
It was a pleasure for Challenged Champions and Heros to be apart of this great event. in support of all moms and babies. Challenged Champions and Hero's believes every life is valuable and is created for a purpose. When their life is cut short the world is missing a valuable piece that that individual was called to fulfill. So this event raised thousands of dollars in support to see babies thrive! Thank you everyone that came out to support this great cause. Looking forward to seeing you all very soon!
President and Founder of
Challenged Champions and Heros
Dr. Robin A. Lococo