Monday, February 29, 2016


Dr. Robin A. Lococo


Dr. Robin Lococo Founder and PresIDent 

Challenged Champions and Heroes is an organization that recognizes and honors the physically and mentally disabled people of the world. Challenged Champions and Heroes works with IChange Nations™ and upholds the Golden Rule as our guiding principal, “Treat others the way you want to be treated.”

It is a goal of the Challenged Champions and Heroes Initiative to redefine the word “Disabled” calling it “Challenged Champions.” We want to highlight these Champions abilities and not their disabilities. We believe every life is valuable and created for a purpose and destiny.

We have discovered there are many unsung "Heroes", the Caregivers of our Challenged Champions. These Heroes have dedicated their lives to caring for and loving humanity challenged by the hard life circumstances they face daily.

One of our future goals is to honor other organizations that seek to help Challenged Champions. We will also bring education and awareness programs covering Human Rights and Disability Freedoms.

Ambassador Rivers commented, “The spirit and the hearts behind this movement will carry this initiative to the world. It is such a privilege to have Dr. Robin A. Lococo and her team living the Golden Rule in their actions to care about those that society has labeled and often discarded. We at IChange Nations™ applaud this initiative because it is changing our world and bettering mankind.”

Ambassador Dr. Clyde Rivers is the Founder and President of iChange Nationsa professional institution that equips, mentors and trains highly esteemed individuals who have the desire to change nations throughout the world. The organization is seeking to bring global awareness by strategically helping nations to educate, train and support the Nation Building Process designed to improve the dignity and betterment of human life. This international platform focuses on establishing effective relationships to help people understand the value of life and basic human rights.

Ambassador Clyde Rivers is also the Representative for the Golden Rule International and the Interfaith Peace-Building Initiative, North American Division to the United Nations – New York. Interfaith Peace-Building Initiative is affiliated with the Department of Public Record (DPI) – United Nations as well as affiliated with the United Religious Initiative (URI), an Interfaith Peace organization.